Minggu, 20 Mei 2018

extreme culinary "Bothok Tawon"

                                                        Bothok Tawon
Bothok Tawon's food comes from Wonogiri, tastes slightly sour and sweet, derived from a mixture of spices and tolo, or a wasp house that still has a beat. Very tasty when eaten with warm white rice and sour vegetables. Food menu typical of raw materials of honey bee now much in demand people especially wonogiri. First try wasp with the nest, the texture is wet krenyes, know it if something original crispy but water soaked, it seems like chicken fried soup. There is a crisp texture left mixed with seasoning that has been absorbed, steamed together so delicious. Although quite tasty sauce, unfortunately I do not really match the taste and texture of the wasp nest, unusual, although there is a bitter taste to eat wasps but it feels very acquired once. Who says wasps can only be useful as a honey producer. It turns out with a little creativity, honeybees can be processed into 'bothok' delicious dish of white rice friends. This simple dish is a special menu for many diner customers in diwonogiri. Not only as a food menu, botok honey bees are also believed to have beneficial properties for health. As can reduce pain, strengthen stamina and reduce blood sugar levels. And if consumed regularly, botok bee honey is also believed to cure the narrowing of body cells and improve the blockage in the joints. Before can be enjoyed in the form of bothok, bee honey is still stored in the nest or commonly called tolo, in first heat it with water for 3 minutes. Once destroyed, removed from hot water and dried. Seasonings consisting of garlic, salt, sugar, and some secret spices are finely ground. Then mixed with tolo with added grated from coconut. Once mixed well, then wrapped with banana leaves and steamed. Only fifteen minutes, bothok steamed is usually cooked and ready to serve. Meanwhile, to serve this tobogan botok menu, he accidentally wrapped it with banana leaves, to bring the fragrant aroma to the plate. Especially if coupled cooking patterns that still use the stove to make a natural taste of cuisine really feels. Delicious makaan at meal times at night especially if added rendering low rain. Guaranteed to eat directly addicted to try again. The price is also quite cheap only five thousand rupiah You can buy a pack of bothok this wasp. 

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